Rudder & Friends

Rudder & Friends
Mocha, Sarge, Rex, Rudder, Jingo, Boudreaux, Jada

Monday, June 28, 2010

Operation Red Wing + 5 Years

Note: this post originally appeared on CTT on last year's anniversary.

Anniversary of Operation Red Wing

On June 28, 2005, four members of the elite Navy SEALs were running a CI mission in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. The team was discovered by goat herders but refused to kill them, even though they knew that they risked discovery in letting them go. The herders did betray the team, which immediately encountered an overwhelming and numerically superior hostile force.

After killing dozens of the enemy, the SEALs became encircled and all four were wounded. Despite incredible heroism, three of the SEALs were killed and a fourth - Marcus Luttrell - barely survived. He was hidden and protected by local tribesmen until his eventual rescue by U.S. troops.

Tragically, an MH-47 helicopter bringing more SpecOps troops to assist the SEALs was shot down, killing all sixteen on board. It was the largest loss of SpecOps personnel in the war.

The battle was well documented in Marcus Luttrell's excellent read Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Red Wing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10.

Today we honor and remember those great men. You are not forgotten.

* Lt. Michael P. Murphy, SEAL, Medal of Honor, posthumously, KIA
* P.O. Matthew Axelson, SEAL, Navy Cross, posthumously, KIA
* P.O. Danny Dietz, SEAL, Navy Cross, posthumously, KIA
* P.O. Marcus Luttrell, SEAL, Navy Cross
* LtCmdr Erik Kristensen, SEAL, KIA
* MM2 Shane Patton, SEAL, KIA
* FCC Jacques Fontan, SEAL, KIA
* ITCS Daniel Healy, SEAL, KIA
* ET1 Jeffery Lucas, SEAL, KIA
* Lt Michael McGreevy, SEAL, KIA
* QM2 James Suh, SEAL, KIA
* HM1 Jeffery Taylor, SEAL, KIA
* MAJ Stephen Reich, Nightstalker, KIA
* CWO Chris Scherkenbach, Nightstalker, KIA
* CWO Corey Goodnature, Nightstalker, KIA
* SSG Shamus Goare, Nightstalker, KIA
* SGT Kip Jacoby, Nightstalker, KIA
* SFC Marcus Muralles, Nightstalker, KIA
* SFC Michael Russell, Nightstalker, KIA
* MSG James Ponder, Nightstalker, KIA

Operation Red Wing + 5 Years

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